Monday, October 15, 2007

Another reputation checking company!

The article above highlights another company that is providing a business service based around using information found on the public web to establish or protect an individuals background. If you think that Facebook, MySpace and other such sites are only for Gen X and Gen Y then think again.

The company in this article, Reputica ( launched in June '07, has launched a CEO version that allows recruitment companies to gather information from many web sources to establish the credibility of candidates they are working with. Text from their site;

"ReputicaCEO Search a service to executive search agencies which offers a full
download of all online articles, chats and blogs written about
candidates, providing a far more detailed and balanced background

Reputica also has a product that allows you to view your own data and highlight areas that may need work as you manage your online reputation. We will take a closer look at their product and report back to you shortly.

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